UK's Teesside to House First Sustainable Aviation Fuel Handling Terminal

Teesside, 5th June, 2023: UK's primary autonomous bulk liquid storage provider, Navigator Terminals, has entered into a comprehensive infrastructure collaboration with Alfanar, a worldwide developer of renewable projects, and an engineering cum construction firm.

As per the terms of the agreement, Navigator will undertake the development of the North Tees rail terminal, which will be responsible for receiving, storing and managing a capacity of 1 million tonnes of non-recyclable waste feedstocks for alfanar's Lighthouse Green Fuels waste-to-SAF plant located in Port Clarence. Additionally, Navigator will also construct the first Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) handling terminal in the United Kingdom, situated at its North Tees dockside.

The Lighthouse Green Fuels (LGF) project, backed by Alfanar, aims to transform around 1 million tonnes of non recyclable waste into Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) at the Teesside site. The production of SAF at this facility has the capacity to decrease aviation emissions by as much as 80%. Commencing operations in 2028, the plant is expected to generate over 125,000 tonnes of SAF per year, which is equivalent to more than 165 million litres annually.

The Jet Zero strategy of the UK Government aims to assist the aviation industry in achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) is considered crucial as it can be seamlessly integrated with conventional aviation fuel, requiring no modifications to existing aircraft and infrastructure. This feature makes SAF capable of providing both immediate and long-term reductions in CO2 emissions. Some experts believe that SAF is the sole viable substitute for kerosene in long-distance flights until 2050 and potentially beyond. However, this is contingent upon the advancement of alternative flight technologies like hydrogen and batteries, which are still in early developmental stages and may never attain the necessary energy storage capacities for long-haul flights.

Jason Hornsby, Chief Executive Officer for Navigator Terminals said in the company’s official press release, “Navigator Terminals is committed to playing a leading role in delivering net zero for the UK, as the UK’s leading transport, storage and handling experts, we operate a network of strategically located terminals. We have supported alfanar progress in its thinking around the Lighthouse SAF project for over 12 months and now are pleased to announce our formal partnership. It is exciting to bring forward plans for the UK’s first Sustainable Aviation Fuel handling terminal on our North Tees dockside to rejuvenate this industrial land and push UK aviation that bit closer to net zero every time we fly.”

By providing a dedicated facility for handling sustainable aviation fuel, this project will play a crucial role in facilitating the adoption of cleaner fuel alternatives and accelerating the transition towards a more sustainable and eco-friendly aviation industry. With the terminal's construction, the UK will not only bolster its commitment to sustainability but also lay the foundation for a more environmentally conscious aviation sector.