Canadian Solar's CSI Energy Signs 99MWh Energy Storage Supply Deal In The UK

01 June, 2023: Canadian Solar Inc. has made an announcement in its official press release, stating that CSI Energy Storage, a subsidiary of its majority-owned subsidiary CSI Solar Co., Ltd., has recently engaged in a contract to provide Cero Generation and Enso Energy with comprehensive turnkey battery energy storage solutions, amounting to a capacity of 49.5MW/99MWh.

Cero, in collaboration with their development partner Enso, plans to employ CSI Energy Storage's SolBank offerings for their 49.5MW/99MWh battery energy storage system. This system will be situated alongside the Larks Green solar PV project in South Gloucestershire, United Kingdom.

The Larks Green solar PV project, owned and operated by Cero and Enso, has become the first transmission-connected solar farm in the UK. In May 2023, the project was successfully energised, marking a significant milestone in the country's renewable energy sector.

CSI Energy Storage is set to provide a wide range of services including comprehensive commissioning and integration for the projects, in addition to long-term operations and maintenance, robust warranties, and performance guarantees. The projects encompassed by the agreement are expected to achieve commercial operation by late 2024.

Published in the official press release of Canadian Solar Inc, Ian Harding, Director of Enso Energy, said; "At Enso Energy we are really pleased that we are now able to work with Canadian Solar to build upon the success of Larks Green being the first UK transmission connected solar farm. Adding Canadian Solar's battery energy storage systems at the site will further optimise the use of the land as well as the grid connection there and be able to provide the electricity grid with more of the flexibility it desperately needs to transition to net zero."

This partnership highlights the trust and recognition placed in Canadian Solar's expertise and reinforces its commitment to advancing sustainable energy solutions. As these projects reach commercial operation in late 2024, we can expect to witness a positive impact on the UK's renewable energy landscape, further propelling the transition towards a greener and more sustainable future.